Además - Corsi di spagnolo per imprese Además - Cursos de español para empresas

Spanish business courses

Welcome to Además

More and more companies prefer to invest capital in training their employees to make them more competitive. Training your employees in one of the most widely spoken languages.

Investing in your training is investing in the company's results: flexible remuneration such as training is one of the best choices for companies to help their employees grow personally and professionally.

With training, employees perceive that the company is interested in their daily needs. As a result, they are more committed to the company.

With more than 500 million people who speak it as their first language, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. Companies that aim beyond their national territory and seek to create working relationships with international companies cannot stop investing. in the development of communication skills in the Spanish language of its internal resources.

Make your company grow thanks to the best training with Además.